Out of a very real need to provide a solid Jewish
education for children, the Center for Early Jewish Education was born. CEJE's staff of experienced
and caring teachers are, at all times, dedicated to passing on Jewish tradition and custom in a CREATIVE and LOVING
environment. Our emphasis is to impart a love for Judaism through a child's real understanding of his
ties to the past, and his place in the future.
The Center for Early Jewish Education work
with children from Preschool through Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Confirmation. Holidays, blessings, symbols, Jewish
heroes and Hebrew are just some of the areas which are woven into the fabric of your child's learning experience. Each
category is "brought to life" through the use of art projects, songs, dance, and traditional food. Classes celebrate
together important holiday events such as Shabbat, the building of the Sukkah, the lighting of the Chanukah Menorah, and a
Passover Model Seder. Our Simchat Torah Hakafot and Purim Celebration are awaited yearly with great enthusiasm.
The Center for Early Jewish Education has become not only
a place for your child's learning, but also a family oriented facility which stimulates outside family events. Congregants
attend High Holy Day Services, monthly Friday Night Services, and Oneg Shabbats. Over the many years, we have conducted Adult
Education with our Rabbi, and various Havurah groups have formed. Our yearly Family Passover Seder is always a tremendous
success enjoyed by all who attend.
Classes meet once a week for two hours. The school runs from
September through mid June. Please join us for an adventure in Jewish learning where your children will grow in the love of
their heritage, and experience pride in their Jewish identity.